SSA/DHS In Continuance

An SSA or DHS Case in Continuance indicates that the employee has visited an SSA field office and/or contacted DHS, but more time is needed to determine a final case result.

The reason SSA or DHS needs more time varies with each situation.

The user will know that updates have been sent back from E-Verify in a few ways:

  • E-Verify Quick Filter: Cases with New Updates will contain a number
  • E-Verify Case Alerts widget: Cases with New Updates will contain a number

Once SSA or DHS has updated E-Verify, one of the following case results displays:

  • For DHS Case In Continuance:
    • Employment Authorized
    • DHS Final Nonconfirmation
  • For SSA Case In Continuance:
    • Employment Authorized
    • SSA Final Nonconfirmation
    • Review And Update Employee Data
    • DHS Verification In Process

Each case result requires different actions or steps to continue or close the case.